Joan O’Connor-Cox

Education Consultant

Joan is a highly skilled educator with 40 years of experience. She recently concluded her role as a high-performing Principal of a Prep to Yr 12 Special School. She has also been a Principal of a mainstream Primary school. Joan was an active member of her Principal Network Executive Team.

Joan has experience as an educational consultant in Australia and overseas and has worked within public and independent education, working with Principals and middle leaders to achieve their strategic goals. She has trained Literacy Leaders across Victoria for Bastow Institute and in her international work.

Joan places a high emphasis on Human Leadership focusing her work with leaders on fostering a safe, purposeful and inclusive learning environment with a capacity to develop constructive and respectful relationships with all stakeholders.

Joan  has coached and mentored principals using the Growth Coaching Model. She is an Advance Neuroleadership Coach. This coaching theory is supported by contemporary neuroscience. It supports the client to develop an understanding of why heavy workloads impact the functioning of the brain and gives strategies to support this workload.