Lynn Davie


Lynn Davie has over forty years experience leading innovation to support contemporary learning and teaching practices and broaden educational opportunities as a teacher, school leader, curriculum consultant, university lecturer and senior public servant. She is easing into retirement after leaving her role as Director of Learning and Teaching with the Victorian Department of Education and Victorian Cluster Lead for New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL). Lynn is currently a Partnership Lead with the University of Melbourne’s New Metrics For Success, a Special Advisor to NPDL Global, led by Michael Fullan, a Fellow at Melbourne Graduate School of Education and an Independent Expert on the Education Services Australia Governance Board.

Lynn is an acknowledged change agent and has been recognised locally and internationally for her work in learning and teaching.

Lynn brings a unique combination of deep expertise in education reform, thought leadership; the impact of effective learning design, assessment and reporting; alongside experience in the way that schools operate to affect long term change to impact on student learning progress.