energiseED – Graduate Program

A program with 4 modules – for teachers across schools and networks.

This year-long program is designed to support new and recent graduates to make a successful transition to the workplace.

Each workshop within the program will delve into a specific topic that helps make the transition smooth. First, we will learn about change and transitions, including understanding the nature of change; learning about changing roles, routines, relationships, and assumptions; and using routines and rituals when managing change. We will then explore strategies for nurturing our mental wellbeing while we make this transition and integrating wellbeing habits into our professional lives.

So that our transition to the workplace is sustainable, we will explore how we can integrate our work and our life practice, including setting boundaries, focussing our attention on what matters, and managing our energy. Lastly, we will consider five evidence-based psychological powers that will enable us to thrive in the workplace.

In between the four workshops, there will be a virtual check-in session that will provide an opportunity to reflect on what we have learnt and how we are putting this into practice.


1. Understanding change and transitions

2. Looking after your mental wellbeing

3. Integrating work and life practice

4. Thriving in the workplace

A schoolED coach to manage the in-school process:

• 4 in-person facilitated workshops (1 day per term).
• 4 facilitated virtual check-in sessions with the group (1 hour per term)

Register your interest and download our complete Graduate Program Guide.

Join energisedED - Graduate program

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