A passionate group of school leaders came together who want to transform the system and create schools that are fit for the future – schools that produce hopeful and flexible humans who can meet with wisdom the global civilisational challenges that we face.
Our conversation was beautifully captured by @Jessamy Gee. It was so inspiring to see the group’s image of the future of schools include a strong focus on teacher and student wellbeing, reflective practice for teachers to develop their ‘craft’, student agency to influence their future, schools having a clear vision, and, last but certainly not least, schools being a place of joy and fun!
If you would like your school to be fit for the future, we can help with:
Developing teacher reflective practice
Building futures literacy of students and staff
Developing student voice and agency to influence the future they want
Connecting your school to its purpose and values
Just give us a call to discuss your needs and how we can help.