mentorED – Graduate Program
A program that delivers 5 modules – for graduate teachers and their in school mentor.
This one-year stream is for new teacher graduates, their mentors and school panel who are undertaking the VIT Proficient Registration of Teachers accreditation process.
The purpose of the program is to support new graduates and other school stakeholders, such as principals, mentors and panel members in the planning and delivery of an effective and successful accreditation process.
Not only does the stream support the graduate teacher but also the school based VIT trained mentor to ensure the graduate achieves a successful accreditation.
Advice and support will be provided to develop a portfolio that meets departmental requirements and graduate’s presentation and public speaking skills will be enhanced.
Workshops will provide moderation of activities to reach agreement for proficiency standards of practice and evidence ensure the best possible outcome for the graduate while supporting the school to champion their quality mentors as well.
1. Planning Practice Inquiry
2. Planning Evidence of Learning
3. Reflexive skills for observation and professional conversations
4. Annotating Evidence of Practice
5. Check Your Understanding
A schoolED coach to manage the in-school process:
• 4 online modules for mentors, candidate/s and panelists.
• 2 coach (in-person) facilitated workshops for mentors and panelists.
• 3 coach facilitated virtual check-in sessions with the candidate/s
Register your interest and download our Graduate Program Guide.