Online courses

Using the Victorian Curriculum to plan highly engaging units of study for your students

Helping you navigate the curriculum and giving you a deeper understanding of requirements at each level.

Enhancing Classroom Effectiveness with High Impact Teaching Strategies

Let the HITS drive your teaching and learning in school by supporting your knowledge of effective strategies.

A deeper dive into vocabulary instruction

This course is a self-paced asynchronous professional development course consisting of the following 5 key modules:

Research around Vocabulary instruction
Tiers of Vocabulary
Word Learning
Delivery of Vocabulary lessons using Explicit Instruction 
EAL Learners and Vocabulary Acquisition

IT takes a village

IT takes a village. This course unpacks the ICT capability with curated resources to support eSafety and ICT ethical behaviours and communication includes strategies for the effective use of ICT tools in the classroom and building professional learning networks.

Developing independent readers in High School English

This course takes you through understanding and planning for developing independent readers in a high school environment with a reading workshop instructional model.

Changing the High School Class Novel to Independent Reading

This course takes you through understanding and planning for developing independent readers in a high school environment with a reading workshop instructional model.

The writing traits: creating better writers

Complete this course to become familiar with writing traits and how to effectively implement trait based instruction in your classroom.

Ensuring your classroom set-up maximises learning

Learn how to set up your classroom to create an organised and stimulating environment that is conducive to learning.

Targeted Small Group Literacy Instruction in Primary Schools

Learn how to conduct effective, data driven, small group instruction within the Readers Workshop.


Understanding the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

A Summary of the most critical information about the AITSL standards that you can use straight away.

Improving students’ vocabulary

Meet your learning and vocabulary goals according to your instructional needs.

Conferring with the best readers in your class

Learn how to conduct a reading conference with those students who are better readers.