schoolED Safe OHS

My school needs advice from an expert schooled consultant.

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A schoolEDsafe subscription – putting OHS back on the agenda throughout the year

As part of your subscription our team will build a unique online platform that stores all of your school’s documentation, policies, checklists, reports and inspections. We put everything you need at your fingertips and ensure that our schools are always audit ready.

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Our team understand how to build the capacity of your HSR to ensure they know the full extent of their role and responsibilities. We specialise in supporting new HSRs with induction, coaching and mentoring.

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Your subscription includes consultant support with all OHS activities twice a term to make sure that workplace inspections, working group meetings and risk registers are kept up to date. Our visits help to raise the profile of OHS so that it’s always in your school’s DNA.
Click here to activate your subscription

It takes a lot of work to get ready for an audit. We have plenty of experience ensuring that schools have everything in place so that audits run smoothly and corrective actions are kept to a minimum. We can even be there on the day to ensure the auditor has everything they need.
Contact us now for your pre audit support

We take care of the corrective actions by providing you with expert advice on how to respond and embed changes in your school’s OHS culture. We keep you audit ready throughout the year not just at audit time.
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