schoolED Safe OHS

My school needs a risk and compliance manager.

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Are you ready to outsource your risk and compliance management to an expert?

We are experienced workplace managers, such as former school Principals and Assistant Principals who have a deep understanding of risk and compliance and occupational health and safety. We understand how important it is to operate in a timely manner.

Meet the team

We will take care of the development and implementation of appropriate OHS, Risk, Compliance and Policy reporting frameworks and ensure your regulatory requirements are being met

Ready to talk

We review and maintain Workplace Health and Safety including investigating and reporting on incidents including recommending corrective and preventative actions as necessary
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No need to put an individual on the payroll, engage us as a contractor and not have to worry about sick days, holidays or out of hours work.
Contact us

Our OHS managers are experienced former school leaders with excellent relationship and leadership skills. We specialise in effective communication with all stakeholders including reporting to leadership, boards, principal in writing and person. We will attend and/or chair OHS committee meetings as required, ensuring the integrity of key operations, systems and control processes in relation to risk and compliance management.

We have in house OHS portals and Policy Portals that are bespoke to your school and kept updated by us. All your risk and compliance information will be at your fingertips whenever you want it. Or we keep updated your current online platform eg isConnect

Check out our online Portals and Handbooks

We have dedicated team to deliver professional learning that will help your school embed a strong OHS and risk management culture across the school and ensure continuous improvement. We are experts in mental health and wellbeing training for your staff and improving workplace culture.