Our professional learning workshops empower teachers and school support staff by providing the critical skills, knowledge and practical application to develop their teaching and support capabilities, to maximise their potential and to reach their professional goals. Workshops can be conducted for a school’s curriculum days, across multiple schools or for a particular professional learning community.

Grounded in evidence-based research, our well respected and experienced consultants deliver learning which includes collegial examples of successful practice and develops the capabilities in teaching practice, leading change, promoting trust and building high performing teams. Learning can be customised and can align with mandated professional practices and your own school’s strategic intent supporting your current priorities. Our expert consultants can tailor a remote or online learning experience if preferable.

Professional Development workshops

Our experienced consultants deliver a wide range of professional learning grounded in evidence-based research and successful practice. schoolED Consulting offers professional workshops at a range of venues around metropolitan and regional Victoria at scheduled times throughout the year. We also offer the option of interstate professional learning scheduled at times suitable for groups of educators or your organisation.

In-school Professional Development

One of our consultants can visit your school and deliver professional learning tailored to the needs of your school community. Our in-school workshops can be conducted for whole school curriculum days, across a series of regular after-school staff or team meetings, or within-school time for particular cohorts of staff and PLCs.

Remote/Live Professional Development

Tailored to the needs of your school community, remote live workshops can be conducted for whole school curriculum days, across a series of regular after-school staff or team meetings, or within-school time for particular cohorts of staff.

Online Professional Development

Our experienced consultants deliver a wide range of professional learning grounded in evidence-based research and successful practice. schoolED Consulting offers professional workshops online at scheduled times throughout the year and/or at times suitable for groups of educators or your organisation.

An additional option for educators and schools includes our wide range of online courses, designed to be completed by groups of teachers or individual teacher’s in your own time and at your own pace. Online courses can be viewed at www.schooledonline.com