Expert consultants from schoolED can provide your school with advice and support with completion of documentation aligned to school reviews and your strategic planning.

Strategic alignment, development and documentation

schoolED provides advisory and documentation aligned to school systems and processes for school reviews and strategic planning:

  • Analysis of school data against the goals and targets in your school’s strategic planning including consultation through forums with staff, parents and students in preparation for a school review

  • Advisory and documentation of pre-review self-evaluations and online updating within system

  • Overseeing the evaluation and diagnosis of school performance in the review process and school self-evaluation

  • Engaging the community in the strategic planning process including communicating the school’s strategic direction to the school community

  • Overseeing the development and implementation of strategic planning and annual documentation requirements following the review

  • Support with annual report development and communication to the school community

  • Advisory and documentation to support applications for new school registration and amendments to existing school registrations.

  • Advisory and support to ensure compliance with the requirements for minimum standards for school registration, including Child Safe Standards Ministerial Order 1359